small typo : The preliminary data is complaint to the EN689 preliminary test.
small typo : Fewer than 6 samples would be required to be 80% confidence of statisical compliance.
small typo : However, it is recommended at least 6 samples are collected before performing the statistial anaylsis.
typo : You need to collect a total of 19 samples to be 81 % confident of being statisically compliant based on the preliminary results collected.
suggestion : You need to collect a total of 19 samples to be 81 % confident of being statisically compliant based on the preliminary results collected. Would suggest “demonstrating compliance according to EN689 criteria : 70%UCL on exceeedance <5%”
idea : another dimension of the question : for the same preliminary data, let the user select a sample size and provide the probability of compliance/non compliance.